Uniform Case Reporting (UCR) Transition Progress
Clerk of Court Transition to Uniform Case Reporting (UCR)
On April 27, 2016, the Supreme Court issued AOSC16-15 In Re: Uniform Case Reporting Requirements directing clerks of court to provide case activity data to the Office of the State Courts Administrator in accordance with the specification provided below. As with all new data collection efforts, the UCR Project is being developed in accordance with the JDMS framework and principles. On June 28, 2017, the Supreme Court revised the Implementation Schedule, which requires the OSCA to transition clerks of court in groups of 20 to UCR reporting for the Circuit Civil division by June 2018. The Family division follows, with transition scheduled in groups of 20 from July 2018 to December 2018.
Transitioning to reporting under the UCR will occur in two phases. The milestones for completing each phase are listed on the main project page: http://techevents.gener8co.com/jdms.
Clerk of Court UCR Transition Status
Progress according to the OSCA's understanding of each county's progress. Please contact UCR staff for more details about your county's recorded progress.
Phase I
Progress charts for Phase I Transition
Last updated 02/04/2024
Phase II
Progress charts for Phase II Transition
Last updated 02/24/2025